Hi, thanks for visiting my website. I originally used it to share my bike ride around the world in 2011, but since then it's grown to be a lot more than that, so I've redesigned it. I hope you like the new layout. There's loads of stuff here, including cycling adventures, my new bikepacking event, triathlon race reports, photos, blog posts, advice, events, six books about my adventures and loads more. All the old stuff is still here too. 

The purpose of this site is to prove that amazing adventures are not just dreams, they are a reality and they can be a reality for anybody. Have a look around - you might just want to read what I've been doing, you might find an adventure that you want to try yourself, who knows... you might find yourself setting off for your own long distance bike tour or bikepacking adventure.

The world is a wonderful place and I think that a bike provides the best way to experience it. A bike is: a way of getting from A to B, a luggage carrier, a talking point, an observation platform, something that you have in common with people in any country, something to race on, a ticket to remote places, something to exercise on, and most importantly good fun!

Let me know what you've been using your bike for, if you're on an adventure, if you need any help planning one or anything else. Get in touch here.